We saw that from the clips that one type of costume is evident in all of these films. Suits. Whether they were smart or casual we saw a running theme of suits in near enough every clip. We believed we should follow this idea of having characters dressed in suits or dressed smartly for a few reasons. The first was for the reason that in our influences this was common. The second was to emphasize wealth and ambition. Clothing can emphasize a factor of wealth and as suits are normally the most expensive outfit which can be purchased would make the idea our characters are wealthy men evident. Also dressing smartly and in expensive clothes is usually done by people who are very wealthy and to obtain wealth they needed ambition. We wanted to demonstrate our characters in this light that they would do anything to get what they want. The third reason for having a smart dress code for costume was due to the simple fact that we both thought we looked pretty good in them :).
As you can see from the Prezi we used a smart dress code for our actors in our trailer.
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