Monday, 9 December 2013

Magazine Cover Drafts

After looking at different magazine covers we decided to create a few rough drafts of what our magazine cover would look like before creating it. We took three different film magazines (Empire, Little White Lies, Total film) and created a third (Inside the Actors Studio) which was based on an existing idea but presented in a different format. Here are our drafts:

This is our first draft. This would be our magazine cover if we were to pick Little White Lies. As little white lies features one main character on the front of their covers and we have two main characters we decided that we would split the cover between our two main characters. We would do this by cropping one half of Al Ciento's face and cropping the other half of Carmen Riqueza's face and putting them together. We would have to ensure they are symetrically lined up. This magazine cover would aslo feature the magazine logo and the title of the film.

This is the second draft. This is the Total Film magazine cover. It would contain alot more than the Little White Lies cover. It would feature either one of our main characters in costume and holding a gun. The title would also be more obvious and bigger than the one in Little White Lies. It would also have additional informatiuon and headlines about different promotions, movie events and upcoming films. in this magazine cover we would also add all the names of thos involved in creating the trailer. This part would predominantly feature the actors involved in the trailer.

This is the draft for Empire magazine. This would follow the typically format of the Empire magazine with it featuring a massive title of both the film and the magazine name. Also include extra articles and headlines. However in this one instaed of featuring one or both of our main characters doing a pose instead we would feature a scene from the film. In this case we picked the scene from the trailer where Carmen Riqueza is strangling oneof Al Cientos men in the car with a wire. We would not just grab this image from the trailer but we would go back and recreate the scene. Instead of filming it we would simply take pictures of the scene and put it on as the magazine cover.

We created a second draft for Total Film which would see both main characters on the front cover looking at each other. We did this to show that they are 'squaring up' to each other just before their fight. We did not follow Total Films formula of having big headlines and lots of detail in this draft. We preferred the simplistic look for this one.

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